Calcium rich foods are an important part of a healthy diet. Most people are aware that calcium is an important mineral for maintaining strong bones and teeth but it has other important functions in the body too.
What is calcium?
Calcium is a mineral. In fact, it is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body.
As a mineral, calcium is found in rocks, soils, and water sources. It is also present in many foods.
Inside the body, calcium plays a vital role in maintaining the structure and function of bones and teeth, as well as being involved in numerous other biological processes.
Minerals like calcium are obtained through our diet and are necessary for the proper functioning of our bodies.
Why is calcium important?
Calcium’s importance goes beyond bone health. It is involved in numerous essential functions throughout the body. Calcium ions play a crucial role in cellular signalling, which is essential for the proper functioning of nerves, muscles, and many other cells. It acts as a messenger, helping to transmit electrical impulses and regulate various biological processes.
It is also involved in blood clotting, where it participates in a complex cascade of reactions that help stop bleeding when a blood vessel is damaged. Furthermore, it plays a role in maintaining normal heart rhythm, assists in the release of hormones and enzymes, and helps with the contraction and relaxation of muscles.
How much calcium do I need per day?
According to data on the NHS website adults between 19-64+ require 700mg of calcium each day. Healthy adults who are eating a balanced diet should be getting all the calcium they need from their food. If you are concerned that you are not getting enough calcium, it is important to seek medical advice.
What are the results of a calcium deficiency?
Calcium is important for good bone health and a deficiency can result in bone-related conditions, such as osteoporosis when we are older. Those who do not eat or drink dairy may need to pay extra attention to foods that are fortified with calcium, for example, in plant-based milk.
How to increase calcium in your body
The best way to increase calcium in your body is to include calcium rich foods in your daily diet. If you do have a medical condition that means you are calcium deficient, seek advice from your doctor.
How much calcium is too much?
Too much calcium may result in stomach pain and diarrhoea, so don’t overdo your calcium intake. 700mg is the suggested daily level for adults and over 1500mg is likely to make you feel unwell. Calcium in very large doses may lead to hypercalcemia which can make you extremely ill and may lead to other major health issues in the long-term.
Calcium rich foods
Dairy is widely promoted as the big player in calcium, including milk, cheese and yogurt, but you can find calcium in other foods too:
- Kale
- Broccoli
- Soybean
- Canned fish that contains bones
- Chia Seeds
- Calcium fortified plant -milks
- Calcium fortified breads and cereals
Calcium absorption
When you see the amount of calcium in different foods, it is easy to think that it is very easy to eat too much calcium each day. Minerals can be quite tricky to calculate though, because your body may not absorb all the calcium in the food.
The calcium in dairy foods tend to be easier for the body to absorb because it is easier to digest than some of the plant based foods. You may find it surprising to learn that cooking the plant foods can unlock more calcium than eating them raw, because the cooked vegetables are easier to break down in the digestion process. Unlock the calcium in your vegetables with our delicious cooking method.
If you are eating a varied and balanced diet, it is likely that you are getting enough calcium, but if you have any doubts, check in with your doctor, especially if you think you may not be eating enough calcium rich foods.
Get more information about calcium rich foods
The Royal Osteoporosis Society have developed a brilliant page of calcium rich foods and a calcium calculator which you can see here.